Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Soldier on the Hill

The soldier on the hill represents more than we can initially anticipate. The picture on the left is the cover photo for Saving Private Ryan, a war film set to take place during World War 2. To the right - me. It seemed as if, though unintentionally, I recreated a symbol of heroism.
There is much to be said about this pose - the conquering of the hill, the horizon providing an emotional setting, and the gear used by the soldier that places the picture in an ironic state. This recreation of Saving Private Ryan's cover photo was not intentional, though I did find it surprising that I was not the only one posing on the hill. 
As the reader, I want you to look deeply into the background of each picture, and tell yourself what you feel.  From there, add the soldier and all his gear. Your feelings and mood will change after analyzing these pictures, for they show the bravery of a soldier defending his ground - and conquering it.

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