Sunday, September 2, 2012

"I Was the Action Flick"

"I Was the Action Flick"
            Five years of my life were dedicated to military service; from basic training, to guard duty, kitchen chores, officer's academy, front line service, and so on. I've seen enough to say "I was the action flick." When I see De Niro holding his American made rifle, I know its features, limitations, specifications, and history in an instant. When I see an explosion, I can differentiate between realistic and irrational. Face-Off's  inaccurate physical reaction of a "car exploding when hitting water" went hardly noticed, thus I am here to unravel fact and fiction of that sort. With this being said, many amazing features still do come to mind when thinking of an action film. What represents Hollywood action for you?
            My life prior to the military had been "Hollywood." My grandfather co-owned a very successful agency, my aunt was one of the agents, and I was always at the office tuning in. My grandfather always received screeners from "The Academy " prior to the films' release. My family hosted annual Academy Awards parties  for relatives and friends. My best friends' stepfather directed major motion pictures, as well as very successful television miniseries. Another friends' father sold jewelry to major film and television sets.
            I'm here to share my fascination with action films. Be it a movie inspired by a video game or vice versa, the change in expectations and definitions of action, the adrenaline rush, or the defiance of physics, I will analyze the disregarded.
Lt. Shaps

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